Don’t miss the Art Show in honor of Bernice Pearson!

Winston Medical Center Nursing Home staff, residents and the family of Ms. Bernice Pearson invite you to attend a “Art Show” in honor of Ms. Bernice Pearson on August 7, 2015 at 2pm at WMC-Nursing Home. 

The Art Show will be of Ms. Pearsons art work that she has painted over the years. Ms. Pearson has been painting for many years. She took various art classes as a child. She has always had a love for art. “The minute I saw something, I knew if I wanted to paint it or not,” said Ms. Pearson. 
The public is encouraged to come and see the art work on display and visit with Ms. Bernice and her family. 
For more information contact Tanya Whittle, Activity Director at 779-5183