Winston Medical Center Opens Transitional Hospital
LOUISVILLE, MS – April 1, 2015 – Winston Medical Center today opened the doors of its transitional hospital, marking a major milestone in the community’s recovery from the devastating tornado that ripped through Winston County in April 2014. The interim facility restores many critical health services, including ER services, mammography, CT scan, private patient rooms, and Turning Point mature adult services. The transitional hospital will replace the tent-based temporary hospital that has been in operation since the disaster.
The new facility is welcome news in the community. “We’ve never felt that vulnerable,” said Louisville mayor Will Hill, referring to the loss of hospital services during and immediately following the storm. That’s all changed with the opening of the transitional hospital. “I think there’s a renewed sense of having hometown health care,” he said. State Representative Michael Evans agreed. “It means a lot to the community,” he said. “I just toured the facility, and it looks like it’s a state-of-the-art hospital”.
The interim hospital was constructed by Michigan-based Johnson Portables, a company that specializes in medium-term medical facilities for disaster relief and hospital renovations. The speedy construction of the facility was noteworthy to many. “The erection process is just amazing,” said Paul Black, CEO of Winston Medical Center. “They started January the 5th,” he said, “and to get ready for today was just amazing.”
The transitional hospital is located 923 S. Church Avenue in Winston, MS. It is scheduled to be operational for two to three years while the new Winston Medical Center is constructed.
Winston Medical Center has been serving Winston and surrounding counties since 1958. “It’s been a process but this brings us one step further in our recovery process. Demolition is planned to start at the old hospital this summer,” said Paul Black, CEO. 
About Johnson Portables
Johnson Portables designs and constructs advanced temporary medical facilities based on its MetaSpace technology. Johnson Portables buildings are energy-efficient, code-compliant medical buildings that are fully equipped with HVAC, water, and electrical hook-ups. Johnson Portables is based in Midland, MI. More information can be found at
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Media Inquiries
Brandi Krajewski
Marketing Director – Winston Medical Center
Diane Johnson
Vice President – Johnson Portables