WMC celebrates National Donate Life Month

Debra Gard, Kole Vowell and Ron Waterman
Winston Medical Center celebrated National Donate Life Month on April 1, 2014.  Ron Watermon and Debra Gard with Mississippi Organ Recovery Association were on site for the event.  Kole Vowell, son of Lacey and Justin Vowell, was at the event to show his appreciation to donors.  Kole was involved in a fire accident in October which resulted with Kole requiring skin from a donor.  “Selfless acts of other people assisted our son in his recovery process and for that our family will forever be thankful and indebted,” stated Lacey Vowell. 
The Mississippi Organ Recovery Agency has teamed with hospital partners across the state to promote National Donate Life Month during April. From the Northeast hills to the Gulf Coast, more than 30 hospitals hosted activities, recognition ceremonies and educational opportunities to increase organ and tissue donor awareness within their local communities. 


Nationally over 121,000 Americans are waiting on lifesaving transplants and an average of 18 of those waiting die each day waiting for a gift that never comes. To register as an organ and tissue donor go to www.donatelifems.org.