WMC-Turning Point….we are here for you!

The Turning Point inpatient mental health program addresses the emotional and behavioral needs of adults 55 and older. Through a combination of therapies, education, and medication evaluation, Turning Point encourages patients to regain as much independence as they can and lead the fullest life possible. Symptoms or lifestyle changes that may indicate a need for referral to Turning Point include:

  • Suicidal Thoughts
  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Confusion
  • Hallucinations
  • Paranoia
  • Anxiety
  • Detox (Alcohol/Prescription Drugs)

Physicians, healthcare professionals, home health agencies, nursing homes, senior living centers, family members or self referrals may be made to Turning Point by contacting the program directly at (662) 779-0173. A confidential assessment and treatment options are made available in the person’s home, care facility, or at Turning Point at NO CHARGE.

Turning Point’s services for qualified patients are covered by Medicare, and certain pre-approved HMO’s and private insurance.