What Older Adults Need to Know About COVID-19

At Winston Medical Center, we have and will continue to safeguard our Residents in our Senior Care Services. We encourage everyone in our community to take these recommendations NOW, to… Read more »

How does COVID-19 spread?

During this time while schools are closed, it is important for parents to keep their children home and away from groups. School closures is an opportunity to help mitigate the… Read more »

American Diabetes Month

Diabetes is one of the leading causes of disability and death in the United States. One in 10 Americans have diabetes — that’s more than 30 million people. And another… Read more »

Tracking Your Numbers!

Print this form and use it to keep track of your numbers!  If you record your blood pressure numbers each time you have it checked you will have a record. … Read more »

Move More!

National Nurse Practitioner Week!

  This week is National Nurse Practitioner Week.  Winston Medical Center wants to recognize all of our nurse practitioners for their hard work, and thank them for their compassion and… Read more »


November has been deemed National Alzheimer’s Awareness month.  President Ronald Reagan  first designated the month to Alzheimer’s disease (AD) awareness in 1983.  Less than 2 million Americans were afflicted with… Read more »

Healthy Holiday Tips!

Thanksgiving only comes around once a year, right?  So, why should we not enjoy it to the fullest?  Go ahead and splurge on that double portion or extra dessert!  Well,… Read more »